PUSH for Change

The time to end preventable stillbirth is NOW! Join us! Raise your voice, get involved, & demand change with us because our babies matter.

Ask your legislators to support these critical, life-saving bills!

Have a minute to help? Click the bills listed below to send a message:

Stillbirth Prevention Advocates visited Washington, D.C. to talk with members of Congress about two very important pieces of stillbirth prevention legislation. We spoke out in honor of our babies that should still be here and to improve outcomes for future families.

Every single day, 65 US families expect to come home snuggling their newborn baby, and instead walk out of the hospital with a never-worn onesie and an empty infant carrier.

Many of these deaths are otherwise healthy babies and occur in normal, uneventful, low-risk pregnancies. With better awareness and simple prevention strategiesa significant portion of these babies could be saved, especially those that occur in the 3rd trimester.

The NYC Onesie Walk – kicking off Awareness Month on Oct 1, 2021 – was our attempt to start the conversation. Volunteers marched a clothesline of 900 infant onesies – representing the 900 babies born still each year just in NYC – 5 miles through Manhattan, from Central Park to City Hall.
NYC Onesie Walk in the News

The Big PUSH empty stroller march in D.C. & Nationwide

The Big PUSH to End Preventable Stillbirth (www.thebigpushmarch.org) was a nationwide empty-stroller march on October 15th, 2022 with the main event taking place on the National Mall in DC and satellite events occurring simultaneously across the country.

I joined advocates and medical providers delivering a moving speech on stage to incite a national sense of urgency to end the cycle of preventable deaths in our country.

“By demanding change this is our way of loving our children ALOUD. We are saying NO to those who think 23,000 babies a year is acceptable!! Not one more! That one was my son!”

Ana Lepe Vick

This historic march (#bigpush2022) is the first time that bereaved parents, our friends, and allies have gathered en masse to raise awareness of the tragedy of stillbirth and call on our nation’s leaders in medicine and government to prioritize educating expectant families about stillbirth risks and empowering parents and providers to identify and save more of these vulnerable babies.

We pushed empty strollers past the steps of Congress in memory of the 23,000 babies born still every year in the US – that’s more child deaths each year than prematurity, SIDS, car accidents, drowning, guns, fire, poison, flu, and listeria COMBINED. Research shows that up to 75% of these deaths were potentially preventable; we are telling the nation that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and we are coming together to demand change.

Through this effort, we will raised awareness of the US’s appalling track record on maternal/fetal/infant health, racial disparities in birth outcomes, and bereavement care, and promoted the many amazing initiatives of the over 50 partner organizations who joined the planning Coalition for this event.

Families deserve to know that stillbirth still happens, and they deserve to be empowered with the information and resources they need to lower their risks of stillbirth.

If you or someone you care about has lost a child to stillbirth, miscarriage, SIDS, or any other cause at any point during pregnancy or infancy, please join us in raising awareness. Together, we can end preventable stillbirth.

Help fund the NYC Rainbow Clinic! Please donate any amount to our fundraiser. Thank you!
Check out the Rainbow Clinic that PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy helped bring to NYC!
Learn about stillbirth prevention research & what the U.S. can do to lower our rate of preventable losses!

Interviews Highlighting How Stillbirth CAN Be Prevented

There are protocols being implemented in other countries lowering the rate of stillbirth, why aren’t they used here?
Watch this important discussion with Jill Wieber Lens, a lawyer who also suffered a stillbirth dedicated to promoting change.
Hear about the misconceptions that are causing increased risks in pregnancy & how we can build a trusted care team.
An informative discussion on fetal movement with Professor Alexander Heazell, MD, the rock star founder of Tommy’s Rainbow Clinic in the UK that has been lowering their stillbirth rate with their specialized care model.
We know that pregnancy can be full of twists and turns, but you are not alone! We are here to help you learn how to advocate for yourself and your baby. Watch this conversation and make sure to share so your pregnant friends can hear the empowering advice from our special guest Dr. Tracy Shevell.