We share our stories so our children will not be forgotten, but also because we know that the silence & taboo around stillbirth & pregnancy loss has allowed far too many families to be blindsided. Though our grief will never end, neither will our love & desire to parent our children.
“I’m not saying to every woman, reach 37 weeks, go deliver. Then do more ultrasounds. Do more monitoring tests… There are so many things you can maybe do more. But it’s all about money.”
– Maya Vander, Sacred Birth Circle
“Regardless how I feel that day, if I have to do a Live or interview somebody, I make myself do it because I know there’s recent loss parents that need to see it…that want something done because this is not right. It’s an injustice. It’s a huge trauma to the whole family. If I can be stronger than them right now, and do it for them, for me, I have to.”
– Ana Vick, The Bluest Circle
Podcast Interviews
“As much as I’m proud of what we’re doing it still hits you that your baby died. I shouldn’t have to be here. I shouldn’t be included in a report about stillbirth.”
– Ana Vick, How to Deal with Grief & Trauma Podcast
“For this to happen at the very end randomly? That is shocking and it should be shocking. And it is a reflection of our care. We’re the highest, high income country with one of the lowest rates of improvement.”
– Ana Vick, At A Total Loss Podcast
“I tell everyone if you’re pregnant and you’re worried about anything, just speak up and do not back down and just keep going in and get tested. If you feel like you need to stay overnight on a monitor, do it. You tell them, ‘I’m not reassured’. If your baby’s movement is different one day you need to go in right away.”
– Ana Vick, Smooth Stones Podcast
“Even all of us who read the books, we did the things, we had proper maternity care, going in to all our appointments. It can happen to you still and in a way I almost feel like it’s happening more to healthy women because we get a little bit overlooked at our appointments. You come in, it’s quick. They look at you, your weight, everything’s fine, you don’t make any complaints.”
– Ana Vick, Smooth Stones Podcast

“There’s a lot of people interested and now maternity care in general has a little bit of a spotlight. Hopefully there will be some actual change legislation and protocols. Which our country has zero for stillbirth prevention. That in itself is the red flag. Of course we’re not doing better. There’s no protocol… it’s all for profit in our country.”
– Ana Vick, Lucky Anchor Podcast